L-DOM Account Manager

About Me

I was born in Maryland, USA and now live in the upper midwest of the United States near the Canadian border. I have been a user of open source software ever since I started using computers. Naturally I wanted to give something back. This project started as a quickly hacked together set of PHP scripts and an OpenLDAP server about two years ago. The intent was to create a set of templates and forms that could add / modify / remove posix accounts stored in the directory server. Nothing more, nothing less. The original system is still running today on a stock x86 FreeBSD managing hundreds of records. This project is an extension to the idea of a simple user account system in that it is meant to be a true network appliance. Turn it on and watch it go. No need to worry about power outages, security flaws from un-needed software, and no client access licenses. Work is progressing slowly because I have a day job and I go to university full time. I would be very happy to see L-DOM become success. I welcome anyone to contribute and offer feed back, positive or negative.

Professional Experience

  • Electronics Test Technician - Test & troubleshoot electronic assemblies down to the component level
  • Test Engineer - Design electrical interface hardware / write automated test software for electronic assemblies
  • Network System Administrator - Unix / Linux / Windows (all at the same time)
  • Software Engineer - US Army Research Contracts